Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cell Phones - Some Considerations of the Cell Phone of the future

Cell phone technology has been moving transmit at break neck speed, and sometimes we may not notice it, but think back to just a few years ago and you can see all the new highlight integration and race in the marketplace - a race to "wow" consumers and get them to choose a definite device. But before we talk about the current trends in cell phones and smart phones, let's discuss the past evolution of these devices.

Dallas Eye Doctor

Since, I had one of the first movable "cell" phones - I'd like to tell you a quick story to start out this discussion.

My first cell phones were state-of-the-art at the time, but if you saw them today, you'd laugh. One of them I unquestionably kept; a Mitsubishi Transportable. This phone is about the size of a six pack cooler that you might take to your child's soccer game, and it was quite heavy, as I recall it is well over 10 pounds. This of course included the battery pack to power up to 3 Watt phone.

Remember that Ion-lithium batteries at the time were just advent off the assembly lines and were quite costly - they did not exist in this size for anything but Nasa and troops usage. These traditional cell phones I had were nickel hydride powered, quite an inferior battery technology for modern cell phones.

The Mitsubishi Cell Phone has a strap on it so you can carry it like a purse, and I often felt unquestionably stupid carrying it, until of course it rang, and I unzipped the top, pulled out the handset on the phone and began talking. I can recall that every person stared as if I was a underground Cia agent, was working for Mi6, and my name wasn't Lance, it was unquestionably James Bond. You see, at that time not very many habitancy had the cell phones and they were very expensive.

Another one of my first phones was a Audiovox 1000 model, which was quite large and it was mounted in my car, a car phone - cell phone. The box that ran the Cell Phone was mounted under the seat, and there was a cradle that held the headset. The headset had a cord on it just like a phone at home, before the cordless phones that is. Under the seat the box was about 3 1/2 inches high and the size of a laptop with a 17.1 inch screen.

This Cell Phone or car cell phone was wired directly to the battery with a merge of fuses. When I turned on the vehicle, the Cell Phone would automatically turn on. If I turned off the vehicle, I had to leave it on accessory with the key in the right position, unless I left the phone on which by-passed the ignition. When the phone rang and unquestionably honked the horn, which got me into trouble a merge of times when the horn went off while I was driving behind a police car stopped at an intersection. I have a lot of stories to tell you about all those early days with the first cell phones, and you may e-mail me if you are ever concerned in such experiences.

Folks today take all this for granted, as they don't realize how cumbersome the traditional cell phones were, or how stupid they were compared to modern day smart cell phones. Today they give you a free cell phone when you sign up for aid - back then you had to pay 00 for a car cell phone, and as much as a merge hundred dollars to have it installed. It was quite a procedure, if you have a stereo system, and an Xm radio put in your car at the same time, that is about how much work it took to do this. Therefore, at today's labor rates you could unquestionably pay three or 0. That's assuredly something to think about.

If I was talking to someone on the phone while the engine was running, if I turned off the car and moved the key to the accessory position I would dump the phone call, as I cut it out during that transition. However, having a cell phone in my car helped me increase my business. At the time I was only 17 years old - I had an aircraft brokerage firm and aircraft finder's aid and I would work off of fees whenever an aircraft that I represented sold. I also had a small aircraft cleaning aid and was able to sense customers from my vehicle on the flight line, and my crews could call me when they were done with the job as they would use the local payphone to call me.

Thus, this movable technology allowed me to make more money, and remain more sufficient than the competition. Remember at the time this was important edge technology, it was state-of-the-art, and I had it - the competition did not. No longer was I stuck in an office, I could run my firm from everywhere and it allowed me much freedom. Often habitancy today do not realize what it was like before movable cell phones. anything who is in firm now over the age of 50 unquestionably realizes, because they remember a time when there were no cell phones.

This was a duration in our nation's history where there were pay phones in every shopping center, every gas station, outside of every fast food restaurant, and habitancy used them all the time. firm habitancy who didn't smoke filled their ashtrays with coins so they can stop and use the pay phone. Thus, allowing them to call clients, customers, vendors, and articulate their operations in the office. When cell phones first came into play they displaced the old Motorola technology of push to talk phones, which worked off a mountaintop repeaters, these phones were very big in the military, construction industry, and all the executives with large corporations had them.

Since this was radio technology, they worked farther than the first cell phones which had to be within 10 to 15 miles of a cell tower. Today, the cell phones are less wattage than they were back then, so the mean cell tower is 6 miles or less apart. Back then the cell phones worked off three Watts, and now with 3G technology the wattage is under 1 W. This is probably good for the human biosystem, as it is putting less microwave frequency radiation into your brain, there will be fewer brain tumors, brain cancer, and other issues. There have been many studies together with several with the Swiss researchers which seemed to indicate that the 3 W phones were quite unacceptable for human health, and they would gradually cook your brain as one researcher said.

Luckily, for the cell phone business they were able to bury most of these problems and objections, as well as the studies that the Swiss did. Although, there were studies here in the United States, you would be hard-pressed to find those research studies and data on brain tumors, brain cancer, and their relation to the cell phones that habitancy used. In fact, if you go to Google expert today you will be hard-pressed to find anything that would suggest that the cell phones could cause such horrible conditions. This of course is all still up for debate, but we try not to talk about it.

Perhaps, by going to 3G wireless, and lower wattage the movable cell phone business dodged a bullet of huge class-action lawsuits, and we may never know the damage we had caused. Nevertheless, as we talk about Six Sigma efficiency in corporations, or using modern administration techniques in small businesses, no one can deny that expanding communication speed and reliability is by far a factor in the increase productivity in the 80s and 90s due to cell phones.

At the time I was unquestionably running 1000 to 1200 minutes per month and although that aid was much economy than the other choices such as the Iridium Satellite Phones, non-cell phone movable units, as they did not use cell towers, rather satellites - you can dream the costs of the traditional cells. They did not have an unlimited plan and once over your minutes, you paid the prime for each little on that cell phone, my bill was usually 0 to 800 or more.

The other movable phones at the time were not cell tower-based phones, they were push-to-talk and came in a brief case - it was thought about quite James Bond at the time. And this was back in the 1970s, and I remember this, because I started my firm when I was 12 years old washing airplanes at the local airport. Many of the businessmen who owned corporate jets had these types of phones. They were basically for the rich and famous, and firm person. They didn't work everywhere and you had to have pretty much line of sight to the nearest tall mountain, and that mountain had to have a repeater on top of it, which was hardwired into telephone lines, and the rest of the ideas worked with ground lines.

All this is very interesting, and we must consider that many folks today have never been alive when there were no cell phones. They have no clue how hard it was to run a firm back in the days when there unquestionably was no movable communication. The same repeater systems on top of the mountains that Motorola owned or which used Motorola hardware, also controlled the pagers. These pager systems were quite beloved with habitancy on call, such as doctors, and aid personnel. Two-way radios, which work basically the same as the two-way push to talk folder phones, were used straight through a dispatcher for fellowships very often.

Later, just as cell phones came into play, someone came up with the idea of 1.5 way and two-way pagers. Instead of a one-way pager, someone who had what they call an "alpha mate" expedient could page someone and ask them a request (using a text message) on that page and the recipient could press a button for yes or no, Y. Or N. And that information would be relayed to the dispatcher. habitancy unquestionably got pretty good at communicating this way. And you could send text type messages for the user of the pager to read. In reality these were the first text type messages, so the conception of having a movable expedient and using text messaging is not all that new.

Two-way text messaging via cell phones is merely a re-introduction of that similar technology. Once habitancy had cell phones they didn't need to use the text pagers anymore, and that technology was leapfrogged as the price of the cell phone services was lower, as competition increased between fellowships like Sprint and At&T. There were many other regional smaller players, but they ultimately got bought up by the big boys.

The cell phone business grew so fast in the late 80s and early 90s, that ultimately there was coverage everywhere. Then something unquestionably weird happened, the promise of 3G wireless came into play, and folks started switching to that new system. I can tell you this - my first cell phones were much more fine and worked much great than the cell phones of today.

Occasionally, I had a call dropped and there were not as many aid areas, yes there were more dead zones, but the signal was much more fine because it was 3 W, and since it ran off my car battery or a large battery pack in a small carry case, it had ample power to articulate that strong signal.

Today, when I use my At&T cell phone, I am often cursing because the aid is so bad, I wonder why I am even paying for it. In fact, the loss of productivity from dead zones, and the cell phone calls dropping, I feel as if At&T should be paying me. Apparently, I am not alone many habitancy feel the same way. Nevertheless, the 4G wireless is on the way and every person will be switching to that so that they will have Internet access allowing them to do e-mails, twitter, video, and real-time text messaging without the use of ground lines

A good many folks do not know of a time when there was no email or internet. And most habitancy who are in firm today, who are under 50 years old do not remember a time when we didn't have fax machines, the reality is that fax machines came into play about the time of the first cell phones. Mind you, there was still no Internet, no e-mail, and although Arpanet was being used by the military, and by think tanks, research centers, and top universities, it wasn't unquestionably ready to the group in the way we have it now.

Fast transmit to today and now no one goes everywhere without a cell phone. group researchers have noted fewer habitancy wearing wrist watches. They don't need a wristwatch because that is a appropriate highlight on all cell phones now. Of course, this doesn't help fellowships like Rolex who are catering to the young up-and-coming Bmw crowd, if you look colse to you will see that most young executives don't even wear a watch and most of our younger generation doesn't wear a watch either.

It seems that the wrist-watch supplanted the pocket watch, and the cell phones seem to be replacing just about everything. These days habitancy use their cell phone or smart phones to do their e-mails, and these same phones act like a Pda, no one carries day planners anymore, although a few habitancy do, myself included perhaps out of habit from using a day planner from the time I was 12 years old in my firm until I was in my mid-40s. Perhaps, I am giving away my age, but sometimes old habits die hard.

Today with many laptop notebooks, Pdas, and smart phones, it seems none of that other stuff is needed. together with your human memory say many psychologists, who argue that this technology is causing the human brain to rewire itself differently because there are dissimilar needs to get along in the world. After all, all your best friends are on the speed dial and you don't have to remember phone numbers anymore. And all your contacts and information is on your smart phone, in your e-mail program, or on your laptop.

Cyber safety analysts worry that if the ideas crashes or God forbid an electro-magnetic pulse, neutron bomb, or nuclear expedient is set off high in the atmosphere it could destroy all the electronic equipment, together with all the cell towers, your laptop, your television, your refrigerator, and your smart phone. Where will you be then, and can you rely on your memory and the brain you are born with to carry on your daily endeavors - scary thinking, but perhaps we need to address this as we consider the evolution of cell phones.

Today, our cell phones have changed the entire dynamics of our society. There are unspoken etiquette issues of cell phone use in public. There are rules when we can use our cell phones and when we can't. Issues such as driving with a cell phone and the amount of auto deaths which occur while habitancy are driving and talking on the phone at the same time. There have been major disasters caused by texting while driving a bus or conducting a train.

The reality is that as our technology has evolved, it is evolving much faster than the human brain can to take it all in. Due to the multitasking required in our community to get along and the high pace and productivity that jobs require, many brains cannot cope or adapt fast enough. And this seems to be a problem, if some habitancy are not able to make the switch, but they endeavor to, sometimes while driving with disastrous results.

Our smart phones are becoming super cell phones that have more and more features, such as the ability to store music like the iPod, and vast amounts of data like our electronic Pdas. These devices are getting more high-tech each and every year and they are highlight rich. Many have five to ten gigabytes of information storehouse now. One recent study in the cell phone business noted that 90% of the habitancy who own cell phones have never used all the features, and do not know how to agenda them, or even that they exist on their cell phone. Most habitancy don't even care, they use the features they want and none of the others.

This is a common problem with new technologies, and it is something that happened with that Beta and Vhs recorders. What's that old joke, there are tons of features on your video recorder at home, but no one knows how to use them, and before we all learned that we need to learn to use these features, the Vhs video recorder is out in the new Dvds are here. Now cable fellowships offer boxes which can report multiple shows so you can watch later or pause a live Tv agenda while you go to the bathroom, or go to the kitchen to get something to eat. Some allow you to use your cell phone to do remote programming too.

These are all things common challenges which are encountered and similar problems with any new personal tech devices which become mass consumer products. Cell phones and our current smart phones are no exception. It's hard to say the future what types of new features in our cell phones will have. The sky is the limit, and the imagination and request for more features and greater technology is easily apparent. The early adopters of such cell phone and smart phone technologies are willing to spend big bucks to have all-in-one devices. Therefore, these trends will continue.

Just to give you an example of some of the crazy ideas habitancy come up with for future smart phones let me tell you a little quick story.

Our on-line Think Tank came up with a plan to yield a PhD or Personal health Device, which tracks your diet - on your cell phone. How it worked was quite simple, when you are at the grocery store, you would scan all the items that you bought, and they would go into storehouse inside your smart phone. Each time you ate one of those items you would simply make your mind up what you ate, and punch in the amount of servings and you would suspect and keep track of your calories, fat content, and recommended daily allowances in the major five food groups.

The smart phone would have a scanner ideas on it, later subsequent versions of this smart phone and personal health expedient would be able to scan products via Rfid tags. Your phone could tabulate and even suggest what you should eat, how many more miles you should jog, and what you would need to articulate your diet to meet your personal health goals, and weight loss program. Sounds crazy doesn't it, yes, it does, but the speculation capitalists like the idea. So too, do fellowships that yield high tech smart phones today, as every person is seeing to get a jump on the competition.

Gps systems by way of smart phones or cellular high-tech phones is quite possible (now available), and you don't even need satellites to do it. If you are within the realm of several cell towers your location can be triangulated quite quickly, which pinpoints your exact location within 10 feet. Ah ha, you see the problem in this too; What about privacy you ask? That's a good point and that is other issue that habitancy are quite concerned about with all this new high-tech personal smart phone innovations.

Google Phone and group networking connections appear to be on horizon. That is to say, linking your smart phone with all of your group networking friends, but apparently Google got into a little bit of a problem and noted that many habitancy are not ready for that just yet. In fact, many habitancy who are friends on group networks and make connections, have no intention of ever meeting these habitancy in real life, and therefore they aren't unquestionably friends. And since you don't unquestionably know anything about those connections or friends on your group networking site, the last thing you want them to do is know exactly where you are within 10 feet.

That should appear to be obvious, and in the future it may not be such a big deal, but habitancy are still a little paranoid and they like to have their privacy. Meanwhile, we read more and more articles about group networking gone bad. That is to say habitancy using group networks to stalk other people, and this also concerns parents who have teenagers, who use group networks on a daily basis, and some that use them on an hourly basis, and a good many who seem to be texting every few minutes.

One recent study of cell phone users was able to have a 93% predictability of where a someone might be based on the patterns thought about by their cell phone, and when it was connected to any given local cell tower. The study found that most habitancy stay within 6 miles of their homes. These patterns of predictability are a reality in our community and how we control as individuals - nevertheless this brings up all types of issues that have attracted the concentration of the Electronic leisure Foundation, and it also touches on the issue of privacy and paranoia, it catches habitancy off guard.

Then there is the new trend with smart mobs using their smart phones, and having fun with and meeting up in various places all at the same time. Although these schemes are used for fun, entertainment, and socializing, these same types of smart mobs have the power to destabilize a community or civilization. consider if you will the use of technology in Tiananmen quadrilateral - should governments be worried about your smart phone technology, or the future of 4G wireless cell phones? They probably should be concerned with it, especially if it is used by a foreign government to supply mass protests against what would be a normal stabile government.

In other words it has uses in warfare, the Cia, in bringing down corrupt regimes which are enemies to United States. But rest assured - the same thing could happen in the United States where perhaps a communist rogue nation state decided to have protests in the United States in our major cities on Mayday. It could unquestionably happen especially with our own technology being used against us, due to all the interconnectivity that it offers.

Does this mean that our government has to find a way to turn off all the cell phones in case of something like this happening? Do they need a expedient to turn off confident cell phones from the system, while leaving first responders cell phones activated for communication? And what about hackers, which might be able to send out tens of thousands of bogus text messages, or call masses of habitancy into a trap, or stage a riot?

These are all questions we need to riposte and we need to understand that the same technology we create to improve our productivity, our society, and help us in our daily lives with our families and friends can also be used against us.

And what happens when our smart phones become smarter than us? Some believe, as I do, that they already have. Most of the smart phones today have synthetic brain systems within them, for instance a text messaging agenda which guesstimates which keys you are going to press next or what you are trying to say and it offers you suggest is so you can fill in the blank. Production your texting very quick. This is very similar technology that Google uses when doing a search and offer suggestions as you are typing to save you time. This is just one form of synthetic brain in our smart phones and cell phones today.

There are many cell phones that allow you to use speech recognition to dial phone numbers, search your databases, or navigate the screens on your cell phone. The newest smart phones will be able to tell you when you are in presence to a Starbucks and then give you Gps directions to find that location. This has big implications for retailers, advertisers, and consumers alike. They will begin to know your patterns and habits. All these technologies are ready now and we will see them in the near future. Your cell phone will even become a cost device, hooked to your prestige card information. All this technology exists today.

But what about the technologies which are just over the horizon?

We've recently seen at Comdex and Ces shows the first generations of projection cell phones, that is to say video discussion enabled cell phones which allow you to scheme to the other party onto the nearest wall or onto a table so you can watch. This will obviously be followed by the Holographic cell phones, which were similar to those that we saw in the Star Wars trilogy.

All these things will be ready in the next five years, and you will most likely have them if you buy one of the high-tech cell phones in the near future. At first these technologies will cost a lot extra, but those prices will come down as the amount of units built goes up and as more Chinese also buy their first cell phone, adding other billion habitancy who own such devices, therefore bringing the cost down for every person - significantly!

By the year 2025 your cell phone will be a brain chip inside of your head, and you can think that you'd like to sense someone and it will dial the amount and sense them. By 2050 you will be able to do conception change via the small devices, brain implant - perhaps smaller than a dime. And habitancy born after that will never know what time were "thought transfer" did not exist, just like right now there are many habitancy who have never known a time when movable phones didn't exist. And since Moore's law also seems to apply to the cell phone and smart phone industries we can expect a size reduction as well as a power reduction to run this technology.

In other words, your biosystem will be able to power up your brain cell phone chip, just as it does your current human brain which works on about a maximum of 20 W. Of energy, and you will be able to have an eyelid screen, so you can close one eye, and surf the Internet. It's hard to say what the Comdex and Ces Show in Las Vegas in the year 2025 will look like, it is probably impossible to pinpoint what these shows will look like in the year 2050. In fact, there may not be shows at all, you may be able to sense these trade shows in your holographic living room, video gaming center.

Walking the virtual halls of the trade show using your avatar and talking to other avatars explaining all the new technologies that are ready for you might be the new reality albeit an Augmented or fully Virtual Reality. That appears to be where we are going, although it's hard to dream inspecting where we are today. Nevertheless, I can assure you habitancy in the 1950s could not unquestionably have imagined the way in which our smart cell phones have evolved in the gift period.

Currently, there seems to be a very big push in the larger cities like Atlanta and Dallas, Los Angeles and Seattle, Boston and New York, Miami and Houston towards the 4G wireless, obviously this will continue. That is the full broadband Internet surfing on your smart phone, the ability to watch Tv while driving in a car on your cell phone. And next comes the ability to scheme that Tv onto any screen or flat outside that is colse to or available. The technology is getting more robust, it's getting smaller, it's getting smarter, and you have to determine how far you want to go with it.

Perhaps, I should write a quick eBook on this topic and expound episode by chapter, the evolution of this ominous communication technology, and the future of smart phone personal tech devices. Let me know if you know any concerned possible co-authors.

At the current pace we are moving, and at the speed in which we are interfacing with the Internet, group networks, e-mail, and television, it's hard to say exactly what you will be carrying colse to in the future in your purse or pocket, but I daresay it will be something that is truly incredible, and in the next 10 years it will be hardly startling from this point in time to know exactly what it will be, or what it might be able to do. I hope you will please consider all this. And sense me if you'd like to discuss this supplementary at the Online Think Tank.

conversational tone Cell Phones - Some Considerations of the Cell Phone of the future conversational tone

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FAA Grozny Part 3 Seraphim Airsoft Tube. Duration : 7.80 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from more tips here Dallas Eye . Help us out & subscribe to our channel. If you live anywhere near the Dallas area, you should come play with us for free! Check out our other vids at: www.youtube.com Hit us with email at seraphimairsoft@yahoo.com The "Who?": Seraphim Airsoft is a group of good guys who love to play airsoft. We're making our field open to everyone because we want to play with and against other dudes who love this sport like we do. Just so you know, we are made up of mostly adult men. While younger players are welcome, we are looking for serious players...we are not baby sitters. The "Where?": In the Rockwall area just northeast of Dallas. We play on private property owned by one of our players. We have been building the field for over a year, and it is starting to really take shape. (The exact address is only given upon request and only to people wanting to play with us.) The "When?": Most months we play two Saturdays a month. We start at 10am and usually play for around 4hrs. For bigger OPs, we will play longer into the afternoon. Basic Rules of the Field: 1. MUST fill out liability release form...if under 18, form must be filled out by a parent or guardian beforehand. (Form will be emailed to you if needed) 2. Must have protective eye wear on at all times during game play. 3. Must respect at all times the ruling of the Game Foremen. 4. Must always call your hits loudly. (This is an honor game, and people who consistently refuse to play honorably will not be welcome.) Some other stuff to ...
I hope you obtain new knowledge about Dallas Eye . Where you possibly can offer easy use in your life. And most importantly, your reaction is Dallas Eye . View Related articles associated with Dallas Eye . I Roll below. I actually have recommended my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share FAA Grozny Part 3 Seraphim Airsoft.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I Wish You Were Here [1 year without Sadie Huish, 2 years without Alexa Aigner]

### Dallas Eye - I Wish You Were Here [1 year without Sadie Huish, 2 years without Alexa Aigner].###
The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination I Wish You Were Here [1 year without Sadie Huish, 2 years without Alexa Aigner].

Do you know about - I Wish You Were Here [1 year without Sadie Huish, 2 years without Alexa Aigner]

Dallas Eye ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Dallas Eye . You check out this article for info on what you wish to know is Dallas Eye .

How is I Wish You Were Here [1 year without Sadie Huish, 2 years without Alexa Aigner]

I Wish You Were Here [1 year without Sadie Huish, 2 years without Alexa Aigner] Video Clips. Duration : 3.85 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from click here Dallas Eye . Sadie Brynne Huish [born January 3, 2003] was a happy, healthy 5 year old girl who loved doing things every little girls loves to do-riding bikes, dressing up, and playing with her two younger sisters-Livi and Sam. On March 3, 2008-exactly 2 months after her 5th birthday-Sadie was diagnosed with Diffuse Intristic Pontine Glioma-or DIPG for short. It's a brain tumor on the brain stem and cannot be operated on. She began radiation and chemo pills soon after being diagnosed. She was also put on steroids to help with her symptoms. There were very promising results and changes with her treatment until the end of January '09, when her symptoms returned. At the end of April, Sadie wanted a break so all treatment and hospital visits were postponed. She was left in the comfort of her home and hospice until she peacefully passed away on Thursday, June 25, 2009, at the tender age of 6. We love you Sades x3 Keep her family-Zac, Tiffany, Livi, and Sam-in your prayers on the 25th x3 Alexa Kelly Aigner [born April 29, 2004] was a happy, sweet 1 year old girl. In October 2005, at the age of 18 months, her parents noticed a bump at the bottom outside corner of her left eye. It was not worrisome as it would depress when touched but it was not normal. Crys and Zack took Alexa to the pediatrician. He reffered them to an ophthalmolo​gist who reffered them to a plastic surgeon at Children's Medical Center of Dallas. On December 12, 2005 after an MRI, they met a doctor who told them that ...
I hope you obtain new knowledge about Dallas Eye . Where you possibly can offer utilization in your evryday life. And most importantly, your reaction is Dallas Eye . View Related articles associated with Dallas Eye . I Roll below. I actually have suggested my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share I Wish You Were Here [1 year without Sadie Huish, 2 years without Alexa Aigner].

Would You Rather Die Or Speak in Public? Cure For the estimate 1 Fear in America

Dallas Eye Care - Would You Rather Die Or Speak in Public? Cure For the estimate 1 Fear in America
The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Would You Rather Die Or Speak in Public? Cure For the estimate 1 Fear in America. And the content related to Dallas Eye Care.

Do you know about - Would You Rather Die Or Speak in Public? Cure For the estimate 1 Fear in America

Dallas Eye Care! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The first real keynote address I gave was the drug that brought me to the oratory achievements I now have. I was asked to be a keynote speaker and belief I was one of any that night to address some of my peers and company at a withdrawal celebration. I had just been married to the most gorgeous woman in the whole state of Texas and the most spicy woman I have ever met. So on the way to the banquet 90 miles outside of Dallas is when I mentally began to prepare. I had gone to many motivational programs, conducted college recruiting and had been put on the impromptu pedestal any times before, feeling I had met the challenged successfully.

What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Dallas Eye Care. You see this article for information about anyone want to know is Dallas Eye Care.

How is Would You Rather Die Or Speak in Public? Cure For the estimate 1 Fear in America

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Dallas Eye Care.

I didn't know until 20 minutes before the presentation that I was as they say single billed after all along thinking I was one of any speakers . Oh my God I belief what am I going to do. It was the first time ever to speak publicly before my wife, my friends, my peers and some of the most influential executives of the seventh largest corporation in the whole world at that time. What do you think happened? I became deathly ill mentally and the physical part of me wasn't doing so well either. I excused myself to go to the restroom and belief I was going to upchuck right there right then. I mean I tried to wash my sweat filled brow with cold water and tried to calm my own nerves as speedily as I could.

Now I should tell you I am a psychologist adequate with multiple bio-feedback methods and exercises to handle the fight or flight syndrome I was currently thrust into without any warning. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that I couldn't thank of the right one should it be to lower my blood pressure, or the anxiety breath theory to cut the stress. Which one rolled over my commonly level headed mind that kept vacillating back and forth unsuccessfully I might add.

Well I was out of time and patience and if I didn't get back to the front table I was most undoubtedly going to be missed. I envisioned my vacant chair standing out like the chair in the middle of the execution room in the movies where a crowd of victims eagerly are waiting to see the switch thrown. That minute analogy managed to conjure its way up abruptly flashing through my already stressed out brain awaiting the downward spiral of what would easily be my inadequate speech.

Well I do have a happy ending and I promise I will tell you about it in just a few moments. First though here are the key points of social speaking that will help you for the rest of your speaking life.

1.- always prepare adequately.
2.- Never wear tight fitting or soiled attire unless you have spilled something on it in the middle of home/speech.
3.- Take 3 deep breathes before you begin. That's sooner than you walking up to begin to address your audience.
4.- Grasp the bottom sides of your chair if potential and discreetly pull up with all of your strength.
5.- Pan out over the crowd and find the people paying the most attention.
6.- Know your audience. I mean know what they are expecting so you can give them just that.
7.- Have a theory of organized bullet points in a file theory somewhere. In your mind/body/room files.
8.- Tell them what you are going to tell them.
9.- Tell Them.
10.- Then tell them what you just told them.

Now after 22 years of giving speeches, keynote addresses, impromptu talks, or round table discussions, I am here to tell you it is like an adrenaline rush. I mean I would rather be giving a agenda by instruction, a keynote address or any other platform type speech
than most anything. Well within reason.

What you say you must be out of your ever loving mind! No easily here is how it works. I always get into a room ahead of time if I can to load my room files with the speech content, workshop materials or topic I am teaching or speaking on. I always prime my brain; prepare my agenda and all of the steps 2 through 10 for my audience. Not just because they have paid me a ticket price or a speakers fee but because I want to give them my best. It's like my father bless his soul told me from the time I was able to understand till the day he passed, If it's worth doing it's worth doing the very best you can.

I guess that's the fundamental sub known basis but easily I want the people to get more than their moneys worth. I have the good fortune of knowing how the mind works, how people learn and what it takes to keep their attention. Now the more prominent thing is that you can do this too and I'm sure much better. Here's how I do it or should I say how it can be done.

I teach memory training for a living so I have the blessing of using a theory to remember anyone I chose to remember and I mean all things. So when I prepare my agenda I load all things into thinking file folders. I pull from these file folders as I deliver my agenda and never refer back to an outline, power point, note cards or any other optic crutch that most speakers have to rely on heavily. God bless him even or current president would run amuck if he didn't have his see through prompters.

As an example the first day of our workshop contains 67 pages of script that has been turned into bullet points and some times as many as 50 plus per page. I either load the data in a 300 file list I have way to that I vast for myself, or I use room files and place the data on those files for way as I need them. I know this sounds a minute strange, what do mean body files, room files, car files, alphabet files?
Well I teach the file, picture, glue, mnemonic method. That's, where the file is a thinking location somewhere to store information. all things I have to remember is turned into a photograph or story format, using rules for handling abstracts and tangible items. Then I glue the photograph or story to the file I have created with optic bonding.

When I do this it takes all stresses off of me to look at notes, outlines, or even projected material on a screen. Now sometimes you may have to use a projected format for the optic aid of your audience. I believe you should do exactly just that and not use it for a crutch to remember your presentation order or material. When using my theory it gives me the flexibility to stop sass a inquire learn a name or even say God bless you when person sneezes. Now let's just see what that affords some one like me, 1. Walking nearby the audience more freely, 2. The benefit of not having to break eye experience with them, 3. Not being tied to a podium. Now don't forget the most prominent thing of all, I believe by using these techniques you will never be perceived as not knowing the subject matter! When you use a thinking file briefcase theory you will be the only person who will be able to see the notes!

Now I venture to that probably all or most of you know your subject matter or job duties so well that sometimes you skip things. That's only because you don't have a file list or check list to run through before you close that job or your day. I know this is hitting pretty close to a lot of you reading this and I don't tell you these things to offend you, only to tell you there is a great way out there. I know I use it every day of my life in every walk of my life. It's just that I hate not being prepared don't you!

Let me relate I build my subject to be presented, dress in loose clothes to feel comfortable, grab the bottom of my chair to take the anxiety out of my body, take 3 deep lung filling breathes before approaching the podium or standing position, I talk to the people that are curious or appear to be I scanned before go up, I tell them what I am going to tell them, then tell them and then close by telling them what I told them.

One more thing that I do is leave them with a poem, or a quote, something to challenge them pertaining to what I just taught them. The last and most prominent thing I do is tell them thank you! social speaking should always be something you look forward to doing. So maybe you are not the most fluid speaker combining spice with your analogies and story or topic. You can make sure your presentation or every thing that comes out of you mouth should be and is measured, organized, dissected, up beat and as much as potential worth saying well!

Well back to the story. Yes I did give the first speech of my life that night to about 100 people along with the love of my life and best friend who sat anxiously waiting and praying for me to not pass out, fall flat on my face or embarrass either of us. What I did was prayed before I left the bathroom, and tried to be myself. I did any way endeavor to say things I would like person to say about me at the end of my career. I tried the technique of folding in a few stories we both lived and shared at the north slope of Alaska where we had both worked together years before.

It was by no means the best speech I have ever given nor was it the last speech my wife and the retiree or his family have ever seen. I know the retiree still attends the company withdrawal connection meetings. God love her I drag my wife along as much as I can for spiritual and emotional support. I easily should say I think she easily accompanies me because she knows there is no telling what I might say next. She is probably the best critic a speaker could ask for, being she is person that loves me sufficient to help me spoton my shortfalls and gives me the essential affirmations

So I will say again. Prepare, prepare, and then prepare again. The whole one fear in America today is social speaking, the 6th fear is death. So don't be one of those that say if I have to get up in front of an audience to speak just shoot me! I know most of you can appreciate that minute chuckle and I truly don't expect you to love it as much as I do. I do any way believe as my dad once said "Do it the very best you can and then when you put your head on that pillow to rest at night you can say I gave it my best!"

Here's someone else minute tool to use the acronym Think- is it truthful, is it helpful, is it inspirational, is it essential and is it kind! Let the acronym Think be your guiding tool for your next address. It was settled in my mind after attending a memory workshop 19 years ago. I got it while I was talking to a phenomenal friend the talented Reverend Roger McDonald who easily married me 28 years ago.

Thanks for reading this article I hope you have learned something you can walk away with and use in your hereafter to overcome the whole one fear of America today. social Speaking! You know if we can't learn to laugh at ourselves sometime the journey may be a minute less fun.

Learning forever I stay committed!

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Dallas Eye Care. Where you possibly can put to used in your daily life. And above all, your reaction is Dallas Eye Care.Read more.. straight from the source Would You Rather Die Or Speak in Public? Cure For the estimate 1 Fear in America. View Related articles related to Dallas Eye Care. I Roll below. I even have recommended my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Would You Rather Die Or Speak in Public? Cure For the estimate 1 Fear in America.

12 Elegant Bridal Hairstyles For Weddings

Dallas Eye - 12 Elegant Bridal Hairstyles For Weddings
The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination 12 Elegant Bridal Hairstyles For Weddings. And the content related to Dallas Eye.

Do you know about - 12 Elegant Bridal Hairstyles For Weddings

Dallas Eye! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Dallas is known for its class, affluence, and style colse to the world. Many brides living in Texas determine to get married in Dallas permissible for its reception facilities such as the Dallas Museum of Art, The Nasher, Merchanson, and other large and elegant buildings with the capability to host 100s of people.

What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Dallas Eye. You check out this article for facts about a person want to know is Dallas Eye.

How is 12 Elegant Bridal Hairstyles For Weddings

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Dallas Eye.

Just like for all brides, when the big day is approaching, of course there is so much to remember and so much to do to prepare for it-to make sure your wedding day is as excellent as possible. Since all eyes will be on you as the bride, it is only natural to be stressed out over your gown, your makeup, jewelry, and your hair. It will all come together with time and planning, so try to relax. That said, let's take a look at some of the more elegant bridal hairstyles popular in Dallas you can pick from to help you complete the excellent look and shine on your wedding day as the gorgeous bride you were meant to be. Either you have short or long hair, there are a variety of options you can use for bridal hairstyles for your wedding in Dallas.

1. Upsweep: One of the most coarse ways to style your wedding hair is to pick an upsweep of hair. While this single hairstyle can refer to a variety of dissimilar styles, for our purposes, it is the uncomplicated upsweeping of hair at the base of the neck. This is a very elegant style in its simplicity and grace, and can be accented with Either delicate or demonstrative hair combs. Moreover, it can be as loose or tight as you prefer.

2. Down: Though often overlooked as a style, wearing your short to long hair down can prove quite elegant, despite the informality ordinarily attached to it. There are a variety of things a woman can do with her hair if left down-curled, waved, or left straight. Whichever you choose, make sure your hair is well groomed so that the beauty of your hair can be accentuated while down.

3. Half up: Half up is someone else popular selection for brides to be, as it shows off the face, while leaving some hair down for femininity. Your hair can be swept from both sides evenly and secured with a barrette or other decorative bauble, or affixed on the side of your head. In Either event, it is a gorgeous way to concentrate two dissimilar hairstyles in one delicate wedding hairstyle..

4. Braided: Either you pick one uncomplicated braid, a French braid, or still smaller braids entwined in your hair-all of them are elegant choices for a wedding day hairstyle.

5. Bun: Though seemingly simple, a bun at the nape of your neck or back of your head can add a gorgeous and sophisticated elegance to any type of gown and jewelry you choose, and makes for an easy to verbalize wedding hairstyle.

6. French Twist: A fresh twist is a bit dressier than a bun and less simple, but still demonstrates a uncomplicated classic hairstyle for any wedding day.

7. Curled: perhaps you would like to add curls to your hair or define the ones you already have. Whichever you choose, soft wavy curls can add a romantic look to any wedding gown and bride.

8. Straight: If you are looking for a sleeker look-and you have curly hair, you should try the sophisticated elegance of straightening your hair.

9. Ringlets: A very popular selection for many brides-whether they opt to wear their hair up or down, if they have short or long hair is to have ringlets put in. As long as the ringlets are soft and not tight, the look is very romantic and old fashioned.

10. Beading: Once you have decided upon the style for your wedding day hair, you may want to reconsider beading to intersperse and accent it.

11. Ribbons/headbands: someone else selection for both formal and more informal looks are weaving and tying ribbons and headbands into your hair for a subtle accent.

12. Flowers: Many brides pick to accent their upsweeps and half up hairstyles with both real and faux flowers. The flowers add a romantic and earthy accent to any wedding gown, and are marvelous best to outdoor weddings that are less formal.

I hope you get new knowledge about Dallas Eye. Where you can put to used in your life. And most importantly, your reaction is Dallas Eye.Read more.. updated blog post 12 Elegant Bridal Hairstyles For Weddings. View Related articles associated with Dallas Eye. I Roll below. I even have suggested my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share 12 Elegant Bridal Hairstyles For Weddings.

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Good VDO of albuterol atrovent nebs

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We'll get this from me. I am pleased to present the information.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fagadau & Hawk patient testimonial on Contacts

#The Best Fagadau & Hawk patient testimonial on Contacts.

Good VDO of Fagadau & Hawk patient testimonial on Contacts

Not long ago, I presented the story. Useful. nowadays i am pleased to present Video on Lasik Eye Surgery Dallas. i need it to dam my sisters. and also the public. information that is useful. together with your friends. Fagadau & Hawk patient testimonial on Contacts, that I even have seen this as an outstanding contribution. VDO is that the knowledge. The End. Judgment within the view. Fagadau & Hawk patient testimonial on Contacts Tube. Duration : 1.42 Mins.

Fagadau & Hawk in Preston Center, Dallas TX are dedicated to providing the most technologically advanced eye care, LASIK eye surgery, Cataract Surgery, Premium Lenses, IOLs and Cosmetic Procedures.
my response associated with Lasik Eye Surgery Dallas. I Roll below. I even have suggested my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Fagadau & Hawk patient testimonial on Contacts.
We'll get this from me. I am pleased to present the information.

Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Pediatric Care

1# Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Pediatric Care.

VDO of Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Pediatric Care

After we got the knowledge about Eye Exam Dallas ago VDO, we are going to scrutinize the Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Pediatric Care. I urge everyone to use judgment within the audience. A recent survey found that I even have come upon Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Pediatric Care. I saw that it absolutely was important for them to be revealed. If any errors. I apologize. If you do not want to publish VDO. i am pleased to be here. Thanks for an excellent VDO. homepage Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Pediatric Care Tube. Duration : 2.00 Mins.

Vision Source Fairview - Allen, TX. Produced by Eye Care Video.
View Related articles homepage related to Eye Exam Dallas. I Roll below. I even have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Pediatric Care.
We'll get this from me. I am pleased to present the information.

Non Surgical Liquid Lift Face Lift

#The Best Non Surgical Liquid Lift Face Lift.

Good VDO of Non Surgical Liquid Lift Face Lift

Not long ago, I presented the story. Useful. nowadays i am happy to present Video on Dallas Eye Doctor. i want it to block my sisters. and also the public. data that's helpful. along with your friends. Non Surgical Liquid Lift Face Lift, which I even have seen this as an excellent contribution. VDO is the data. The End. Judgment in the read. Non Surgical Liquid Lift Face Lift Video Clips. Duration : 7.05 Mins.

Dr. Leconey performs a non surgical face lift with Restylane, juvaderm and Botox. Houston, Texas 77098 713-807-1000 www.antiageinstitute.com
his explanation related to Dallas Eye Doctor. I Roll below. I even have counseled my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Non Surgical Liquid Lift Face Lift.
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### Dallas Eye - ORANGE AND BLUE EYESHADOW.wmv.###
The content is good quality and useful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination ORANGE AND BLUE EYESHADOW.wmv.

Do you know about - ORANGE AND BLUE EYESHADOW.wmv

Dallas Eye ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Dallas Eye . You check this out article for home elevators an individual need to know is Dallas Eye .


ORANGE AND BLUE EYESHADOW.wmv Tube. Duration : 5.17 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from the original source Dallas Eye . THIS IS JUST A LOOK i CAME UP WITH I HOPE U GUYS LIKE IT PLS RATE COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE IF THEIR ARE ANY QUESTIONS PLS ASK
I hope you obtain new knowledge about Dallas Eye . Where you possibly can offer easy use in your daily life. And most significantly, your reaction is Dallas Eye . View Related articles related to Dallas Eye . I Roll below. I actually have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share ORANGE AND BLUE EYESHADOW.wmv.

Robert Anton Wilson - Reality Tunnel

### Dallas Eye - Robert Anton Wilson - Reality Tunnel.###
The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Robert Anton Wilson - Reality Tunnel.

Do you know about - Robert Anton Wilson - Reality Tunnel

Dallas Eye ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the true about Dallas Eye . You look at this article for information on a person wish to know is Dallas Eye .

How is Robert Anton Wilson - Reality Tunnel

Robert Anton Wilson - Reality Tunnel Tube. Duration : 5.78 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from her response Dallas Eye . www.facebook.com Robert Anton Wilson (born Robert Edward Wilson, January 18, 1932 -- January 11, 2007), known to friends as "Bob", was an American author and polymath who became at various times a novelist, philosopher, psychologist, essayist, editor, playwright, poet, futurist, civil libertarian and self-described agnostic mystic. Recognized as an episkopos, pope, and saint of Discordianism, Wilson helped publicize the group through his writings, interviews, and strolls. Wilson described his work as an "attempt to break down conditioned associations, to look at the world in a new way, with many models recognized as models or maps, and no one model elevated to the truth". His goal being "to try to get people into a state of generalized agnosticism, not agnosticism about God alone but agnosticism about everything" (cf. solipsism, acatalepsia, Pyrrhonism) Among Wilson's 35 books, and many other works, perhaps his best-known volumes remain the cult classic series The Illuminatus! Trilogy (1975), co-authored with Robert Shea. Advertised as "a fairy tale for paranoids," the three books--The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden Apple, and Leviathan, soon offered as a single volume—philosophically and humorously examined, among many other themes, occult and magical symbolism and history, the counterculture of the 1960s, secret societies, data concerning author HP Lovecraft and author and occultist Aleister Crowley, and American paranoia about conspiracies and conspiracy theories ...
I hope you have new knowledge about Dallas Eye . Where you'll be able to put to use within your evryday life. And above all, your reaction is Dallas Eye . View Related articles related to Dallas Eye . I Roll below. I actually have recommended my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Robert Anton Wilson - Reality Tunnel.

Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Glaucoma

1# Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Glaucoma.

VDO of Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Glaucoma

After we tend to got the data about Eye Exam Dallas ago VDO, we'll cross-check the Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Glaucoma. I urge everyone to use judgment within the audience. A recent survey found that I actually have encounter Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Glaucoma. I saw that it was important for them to be printed. If any errors. I apologize. If you do not need to publish VDO. i'm pleased to be here. Thanks for a great VDO. listen to this podcast Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Glaucoma Video Clips. Duration : 0.97 Mins.

Vision Source Fairview - Allen, TX. Produced by Eye Care Video.
View Related articles listen to this podcast related to Eye Exam Dallas. I Roll below. I actually have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Glaucoma.
We'll get this from me. I am pleased to present the information.

Friday, July 20, 2012

07. Crazy For You - The Virgin Tour

### Dallas Eye - 07. Crazy For You - The Virgin Tour.###
The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination 07. Crazy For You - The Virgin Tour.

Do you know about - 07. Crazy For You - The Virgin Tour

Dallas Eye ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the true about Dallas Eye . You read this article for facts about an individual wish to know is Dallas Eye .

How is 07. Crazy For You - The Virgin Tour

07. Crazy For You - The Virgin Tour Video Clips. Duration : 4.47 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from additional reading Dallas Eye . Madonna performing the music Crazy For You, in the Virgin Tor live in Detroit. Swaying room as the music starts Strangers making the most of the dark Two by two their bodies become one I see you through the smokey air Can't you feel the weight of my stare You're so close but still a world away What I'm dying to say, is that CHORUS: I'm crazy for you Touch me once and you'll know it's true I never wanted anyone like this It's all brand new, you'll feel it in my kiss I'm crazy for you, crazy for you Trying hard to control my heart I walk over to where you are Eye to eye we meet, no word at all Slowly now we begin to move Every breath I'm deeper into you Soon we two are standing still in time If you read my mind, you'll see CHORUS It's all brand new, I'm crazy for you And you know it's true I'm crazy, crazy for you
I hope you get new knowledge about Dallas Eye . Where you can offer use within your daily life. And just remember, your reaction is Dallas Eye . View Related articles associated with Dallas Eye . I Roll below. I have recommended my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share 07. Crazy For You - The Virgin Tour.

Free Seminar at Tylock Eye Care & Laser Center Irving, Dallas, and Fort Worth, TX

#The Best Free Seminar at Tylock Eye Care & Laser Center Irving, Dallas, and Fort Worth, TX.

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www.tylock.com Tylock Eye Care & Laser Center, located in Irving, Texas, offers CustomVue™ LASIK laser vision correction, IntraLase®, PRK laser eye surgery, Wavefront™, WavePrint mapping, and IntraLASIK to residents of Dallas and Fort Worth, and throughout Texas areas. Dr. Gary Tylock conducts free seminars on LASIK eye surgery every Tuesday at our office. If you are interested in LASIK surgery, please visit www.tylock.com to learn more about our seminar. You may contact Dr. Gary Tylock at: Tylock Eye Care & Laser Center 3100 N. MacArthur Blvd. Irving, Texas 75062 Phone: 1-800-NEW-EYES Website: www.tylock.com
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As Much As I Ever Could (Bring Me Your Love) - City & Colour

### Dallas Eye - As Much As I Ever Could (Bring Me Your Love) - City & Colour.###
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As Much As I Ever Could (Bring Me Your Love) - City & Colour Tube. Duration : 5.45 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from super fast reply Dallas Eye . Video I made for my mom's birthday. She passed away February 2011 and I felt like this would be sort of a special gift for her. "I've never made eye contact with you I've never heard your voice I've never heard your laughter I've never seen your dimples form I've never felt the way you say "I love you" to your children But I have met you And you are a beautiful person I have met you through your daughters and you live through them every second. You brought amazing people into the world, and it is clearly shown, everyday. I never got the opportunity to shake your hand. But even if I got the chance to do so, I probably would have pushed your hand out of the way, and gave you hug." -Keenan Gibson youtube.com/keenantalks
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Dan McDowell - Dr. Boothe Dallas Lasik Surgeon

#The Best Dan McDowell - Dr. Boothe Dallas Lasik Surgeon.

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This is a tv ad for Dr. William Boothe, a Lasik Surgeon in the Dallas Area. To find out more about Lasik, All-Laser IntraLASIK, or PRK in the Dallas area, please visit us at www.boothelasercenter.com
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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dr. Carey A. Patrick - Progressive HD Lenses

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**WARNING*** There will be blood in this video. The start and end of my athleticism. Somehow even during flag football I get my eye busted open a few plays in.
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recovery Time and Money Working With a Real Estate Buyer's Agent

Dallas Eye Care - recovery Time and Money Working With a Real Estate Buyer's Agent
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In residential real estate transactions, sellers ordinarily take pains to interview and to plump a Realtor. They will talk to friends, get referrals, ask for references, and ordinarily interview prospects. Buyers, on the other hand, tend to just respond to an ad, as if "University Park homes for sale" tells them anything they need to know about the professional with whom they will be doing business. By the way, University Park is a important suburb surrounding Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.

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How is recovery Time and Money Working With a Real Estate Buyer's Agent

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Dallas Eye Care.

What Real Estate Homes For Sale Ads Don't Tell You

Let's continue this example... That advertisement for homes for sale in University Park, will most likely include a nice set of photos, a brief overview of the property's major amenities, and a stated request price. Certainly, those things are important and "eye catching" in manufacture a buyer want to in fact see the listing. There are many important things, however, to which that ad copy does not speak about the actual Realtor you would be working with, including the:

- education and training,
- market experience,
- professional focus,
- ethics practices,
- and area knowledge

If all you do as a buyer is respond an ad, you are going into an important and potentially costly transaction essentially blind. The situation is made even more complex if the buyer is relocating to Dallas from an additional one part of the country.

The Most prosperous Transactions Involve Two Agents

The most prosperous real estate transactions are those in which each side is represented by its own professional: the listing agent for the seeder and the buyer's agent for the buyer. That way, each side has its own professional representing their interest.

The listing agent is curious in selling you their client's house. Let me repeat that part: their client's house. The buyer's agent will go farther in helping the consumer to understand the implications of buying a singular property. The buyer's agent has much ore incentive to point out both pros and cons of a singular property.

If they are a good agent, they're curious in the long-term interests of their client. Thinking long-term is the way to build a real estate enterprise and create referrals from satisfied and grateful clients.

Buying a piece of residential property is likely the largest buy most individuals will ever make in their lives. It means buying not just a home, but buying into the community in which that home is situated. A decision of that magnitude deserves -- in fact, cries out for -- the highest level of professional expertise and consultation at your disposal.

Buyer's Agents Work On Your Behalf

Buyer's agents protect the broader interests of their clients by helping them to understand:

- current market values,
- long-term investment potential,
- the implications of relocation,
- and, possibly most importantly, the nuances of location, both in the immediate neighborhood adjacent to the property and in the broader surrounding community.

That University Park real estate ad, for instance, will not tell the buyer they are inspecting involving to:

- the top suburb in Dallas/Fort Worth agreeing to D Magazine in 2002, 2004, and 2008,
- an area served by the seven campuses of the Highland Park Independent School District, all with "Exemplary" ratings from the Texas department of Education,
- neighborhoods situated five miles from uptown Dallas that are extremely regarded for quality of life issues,
- or that University Park houses carry a relatively low tax rate when weighted against some of the highest long-term property values in the city.

You most in fact care how many bedrooms and bathrooms the house has, but you care as much or more about the value of your investment and the quality of life you and your family will enjoy in and colse to your new home.

Realtors Are The Licensed Professionals

This deeper level of buy consultation comes out of confidential discussions with a real estate professional who seeks to meet the client's:

- needs,
- tastes,
- and budget.

While the vast majority of Realtors sometimes work with buyers or sellers, most have a specialty. For the buyer, the ask becomes a straightforward matter of:

- Do I want to work exclusively with someone who is trying to sell me something? Or...
- Do I want to work with someone who is going to help me buy the property that best matches my personal situation?

Consumers curious in buying a home should exercise the same degree of care in choosing a Realtor they would apply to the quest for any other professional. Find a knowledgeable member of the real estate profession who will protect your interests and those of your family and who will help you to spend your money wisely and well.

Qualities To Look For In A Realtor

You want a Realtor who:

- fully understands both sides of the transaction process,
- does not engage in high pressure tactics over supplying real, useful information,
- actively assists clients in researching All ready listings that meet buyer criteria,
- and who will warn you about the long-term implications of properties in which you are interested. If you are going to relocate to Dallas, you also need an agent who understands the extra needs of those relocating to Texas.

Finally, buyers want and need a Realtor with perfect communications skills who is in fact reached at any point in the quest for or buy of a property. A buyer's agent is not a luxury in the quest for "real estate for sale in University Park," that professional is a necessity.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Dallas Eye Care. Where you possibly can put to easy use in your daily life. And most of all, your reaction is Dallas Eye Care.Read more.. recovery Time and Money Working With a Real Estate Buyer's Agent. View Related articles related to Dallas Eye Care. I Roll below. I actually have recommended my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share recovery Time and Money Working With a Real Estate Buyer's Agent.